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Multicasting video over a LAN • Multicasting video over a LAN: Use the right switch.. • In KVM extension applications where you want to distribute HD video across a network, you need to understand how it works and what kind of networking equip...
IP-Based Distribution • IP-Based A/V Distribution • IP-based distribution technologies use transmitters and receivers to extend signals over a TCP/IP network (a LAN or even a WAN, for instance). Oftentimes, they’re called IP streamers when use...
rightcollayoutGrey {width:300px; border:#104476 1px solid; border-top:#104476 3px solid; margin:0 0 0 15px; background-color:#038FCC; font-size:.9em; float:right;color:#fff;} • .rightcollayoutGrey .column.fullwidth {width:290px; padding:5px;} • ....
Videoformate und Schnittstellen • Die heutigen Videoformate fallen in zwei grosse Kategorien: Videoformate für Ausstrahlungen/Fernsehsysteme und jene, die für Computergrafik konzipiert sind. • Die Konstruktionsanforderungen für diese Kateg...
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